Then it hit me...Glitter is the Herpes of Arts and Crafts...once it touches you, you can never get rid of it.
Like Herpes, Glitter has many horrible side effects the most obvious one is the incredibly bad album by Mariah Carey "Glitter"
Unfortunately the United States has not addressed this issue but luckily our neighbors to the north, Canada has an agency that handles this. It's called the "Centers for Glitter Control" or the CGC.
The CGC has put out guidelines for Safe Glitter use. They are as follows:
1) Labeling - All packages containing glitter now have the following symbol on them so you are aware of what you are purchasing.
2) Glitter Outbreaks - Avoid contact with other humans during a "Glitter outbreak"
When Will the Symptoms of glitter Appear? Once you have been exposed to the glitter through direct glitter-to-skin contact, it can take anywhere from two to 20 days before your first episode of symptoms of glitteritis will occur. While the first outbreak of glitter is usually the worst one you will experience, as much as 60% of those infected with the virus will fail to notice any symptoms because the outbreak is so mild. Even if you do not have any symptoms, though, you can still pass on the virus to your Arts and Crafts partners.
3) Wash hands frequently. Glitter will often show up in your nails and your hair etc.
4) Just say no to Glitter when passing around Cards to be signed by Coworkers.
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